It’s days like this where I wish this site was already up and running at full steam. There was just insane amounts of news coming out of the greater Charleston area today. Here is a brief recap of the top stories.
1. The day began with shots being fired near Summerville High School. This led to a precautionary lockdown of both the High School and nearby Gregg Middle School.
2. Later on, a suspicious package forced authorities to close down Clements Ferry Road in Berkeley County. Thankfully, it turned out to be a false alarm.
3. National Politics took center stage at Trident Technical College as Tea Partier and Republican Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann spoke and answered questions.
4. It was opening night for many area high school football programs. Summerville, Wando, and West Ashley were among the victors in Week 1.
5. A Berkeley County School District-based charity netted $18,000 in school supplies.
6. With the impending arrival of severe weather related to Hurricane Irene, many area schools are opting to close their doors tomorrow. Charleston County, Bishop England, First Baptist School, The Charleston Catholic School and Mason Prep have all announced they will be close Friday (8/26/11). Keep checking local news sites (Post and Courier for instance) for updates.
More importantly, everyone stay safe and be prepared for the dangerous weather this weekend. Pay attention to local TV, radio, newspapers, and websites for important updates.