Charleston resident Christian Senger is the man behind Holy City Sinner (HCS), the most popular local blog in Charleston. Created in August 2011, Holy City Sinner celebrates the many sides of the historic and lively city of Charleston. From local news aggregation, helpful resources, politics, opinions, and interviews to event listings, celebrity sightings, and party previews, the blog serves as a hub for the city’s day-to-day happenings.
For the last eleven years, the residents of the city have voted HCS as one of the best new media entities in Charleston. Since 2011, HCS has won the following Best of Charleston Awards: Local Interest Blog (9x), Local Website (1x), Twitter (10x), Instagram (1x), Podcast (1x), and Social Media Influencer (1x). In addition, Senger was a nominee for “Best Charlestonian” in 2021.
As evidence of the blog’s reliability and popularity, Senger has been featured in USA Today, Southern Living, the Post & Courier, and Skirt! Magazine. Senger has also been a community blogger and weekly guest on ABC News 4 and made regular appearances on Fox 24’s Fox News Now and Kickin 92.5. In addition, he has appeared on the BBC and BBC Radio, Live 5 News, Lowcountry Live, 105.5 The Bridge, Quintin’s Close-Ups, and Mix 95.9.
In February 0f 2021, Senger launched the website’s companion podcast, Holy City Sinner Radio, which won best local podcast in the Charleston City Paper’s 2022 Best of Charleston awards.
In 2016, Senger was named one of Charleston’s “Best & Brightest,” by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of South Carolina. The program honors the “Lowcountry’s finest young professionals who exemplify strong leadership qualities, are active in their community and have excelled in their chosen professions”
Why the name “Holy City Sinner”? Although Charleston is known for its strong religious base and southern hospitality, it is also well known for some hedonistic behavior. Much like many of his fellow residents, this blog’s creator can often be found trying to balance the city’s equally enticing extremes. Holy City Sinner hopes to celebrate the many sides of this historic and lively city, but also aims to call attention to what needs to be improved in order to make Charleston even better.
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