Mayor William Cogswell announced that he is bringing back "Coffee with the Mayor" to engage with residents across the city. The first event will be on Johns Island at Gold Star Coffee, 3293 Maybank Hwy, Suite 205, on Thursday, June 27th from 7:30 am to 8:30 am.
The City of Charleston says the goal of these events is to give residents the opportunity to directly discuss their concerns, ideas, and suggestions with Mayor Cogswell. Upon arrival, residents will sign up and be called one at a time to speak with the Mayor about their chosen topics. Each person will be given the same amount of time, ensuring that every participant’s voice is heard.
Future Coffee with the Mayor events will be scheduled in different parts of the city to ensure that all areas of Charleston are represented. Keep an eye out on the City’s website, newsletter, and social media channels for updates about upcoming dates and locations.