- Police make arrest in Sawmill Branch Bike Trail attack (ABC News 4).
- 2007 Citadel Graduate Killed in Afghanistan (West Ashley Patch).
- As of Friday, approximately 2.1 million breach notification letters have been mailed to affected taxpayers in SC and out-of-state (SCDOR).
- 18 SC teachers cited in 2 years for student sex (ABC News 4).
- Wild Hogs running amok in West Ashley neighborhood (Post & Courier).
- Man accused of biting clerk now charged with pepper-spraying another (Live 5 News).
- Another band will be announced this week for the Spring Jam Music Fest.
- FREE Theatre 99 Ticket with Magic Password (Charleston City Paper).
- Board votes to put cops in N. Charleston elementary schools (Live 5 News).
- School boards to address police on campus (ABC News 4).
- Summerville Navy vet hopes training can prevent another Newtown (Post & Courier).
- Trial postponed for suspects in slaying of Mt. Pleasant couple (Live 5 News).
- SC Most “Interesting” State For Politics (Washington Post via FITSNews).
- Sea turtles stunned in northern waters come to Charleston (Live 5 News).
- PBS To Air Week Of Programming On Newtown Tragedy (Deadline).
- Mount Pleasant Man Arrested for Child Pornography (Mount Pleasant Patch).
- Update to that whole South Carolina seceding from the Union thing (The Digitel Charleston).