Launched this week, the Coast is Clean initiative is an effort by the Isle of Palms, Sullivan's Island, and Folly Beach communities, in partnership with Explore Charleston, to remind visitors about important regulations intended to protect the region’s precious assets and promote a healthy environment for all who visit the island communities.
The original impetus for Coast is Clean dates back to 2019 when the Isle of Palms and Sullivan's Island passed ordinances prohibiting smoking and vaping on the beaches. Around that time, the Isle of Palms also passed an amendment to its existing plastics ordinance. The pandemic delayed the campaign. When planning restarted, Folly Beach joined the effort after its City Council approved a smoking ordinance earlier this year.
The reduction of litter and associated environmental impacts is a major driver of the ordinances. Cigarette butts contribute to the problem of microplastics on beaches and in the oceans. Litter is a persistent threat to marine life, wildlife, and the natural environment.
The Coast is Clean brand reflects consistency in core messages across the three islands. As the municipal leaders and Explore Charleston brainstormed strategies to communicate the ordinances the group recognized the islands share five overarching rules that promote safe, healthy and sustainable visitation to the beaches.
-No single-use plastics or styrofoam products.
A new web page ( summarizes common regulations and provides links to municipality web pages where additional details are available about specific rules within each community. I’ve attached a copy of the logo as well.
Press Release