Multiple news outlets (including ABC News 4) are reporting that police and SWAT have surrounded a home in Mt. Pleasant near Wappetaw Place in the Parish Place subdivision.
ABC News 4 has gotten confirmation that a man has barricaded himself inside a home. They have also reported he is armed.
The main entrance to Parish Place is currently blocked off from traffic.
Head to ABC News 4’s website for more details or Follow Dave Munday from the Post & Courier on Twitter for LIVE updates.
***Update 9/18/12 at 5:53 pm ***: Mark Davenport from Live 5 News is reporting via Twitter that SWAT team has fired shots at the home.
***Update 9/18/12 at 6:47 pm***: Dave Munday now says police fired at the man after he came out of the house pointing his gun at them.
***Update 9/19/12 at 7:56 am***: ABC News 4 says the man, Richard Cathcart III, has died. Be sure to visit their site for more details and video of the stand-off.