Trident United Way and SC Thrive's free tax filing portal is now open, offering services to Tri-County residents with an adjusted gross household income of $73,000 or less.
This year, in addition to online self-service filing, there will be over 140 tax assistance clinics across the Tri-County, supported by 12 partner organizations. Sites can easily be located by calling Trident United Way's 2-1-1 Helpline (dial 2-1-1) and asking for the location nearest you.
“The tax support that Trident United Way and SC Thrive are offering to the community is saving participants $273 on average in filing fees and professional tax assistance,” said John Boyle, Trident United Way SC Thrive regional trainer. “We’re proud to continue this tradition of Tax Season service alongside our partner SC Thrive.”
Last year in the Tri-County, Trident United Way and SC Thrive helped file over 2,000 tax returns, which garnered community members more than $1.3 million in refunds and filing fees. Getting taxes filed now puts people at the front of the line for a refund. The longer you wait to file, the longer the wait for a refund.
Important tax filing items:
- Employment W-2
- Health insurance coverage information (to comply with the Affordable Care Act)
- Childcare and medical expenses
- Last year's adjusted gross income and PIN to e-file
Click here for a full list of items needed to file your taxes.
SC Thrive Tax Counselors do not replace accountants and do not provide professional tax advice or preparation but are the helping hand for many to access free tax filing assistance.