Live 5 News has a report from Mark Davenport that discusses the effects the Folly Beach alcohol ban is having on the iconic Bert’s Market. Owner Omar Colon mentioned the store had its first dip in year-to-date sales and eluded that if the trend continues, the store may not be open in the winter (click HERE for the full story).
While Bert’s Market sees a decrease in their business, the Folly Beach City Council is considering making the booze ban referendum binding after receiving a petition from some residents. Chris Haire from the Charleston City Paper thinks the petition was exactly what the City Council wanted. The petition would allow the measure to pass without having to put it to a vote in November. Only about 331 registered voters (15% of the city’s registered voters) need to sign the petition to allow the City Council to forgo the popular vote. Anyone else see this as slightly backwards?