Matt and Ted Lee, better known as The Lee Brothers, created a rather unique map of Charleston. Instead of highways and hotspots, they designed a local ingredients guide. The project was put together in 2011, but I stumbled upon it for the first time today.
The brothers’ “Ingredients Map,” which can be found on Google, will help you forage your own ingredients around the Holy City.
The local food and travel writers have found places throughout the peninsula where you can find anything from figs to grapefruits to Guinea hens. Some locations are out in the open and available to the public, but others are on private property and require a little extra work on your part. For instance, you may have to befriend the property owners before being able to pilfer their produce.
To get started on your foraging journey, consult the ingredients map here.
**A previous version of this story said the map was new. It was later found to have been created in 2011. I regret the error.