“Touch-A-Truck,” a family-focused event sponsored by She’s the Veteran, a local non-profit serving active and inactive female military veterans, returns on October 19th from 10 am to 2 pm for the third year in a row. The event will be held at Moultrie Middle School in Mt. Pleasant.
The event provides an opportunity for children to engage interactively with trucks and vehicles provided by local businesses and services.
"We are delighted to again hold this event for the third year in a row," said Brooke Jackson Kahn, Executive Director of She’s the Veteran.
Fire trucks, emergency vehicles, military trucks, heavy equipment, police cruisers, and other vehicles are brought in for kids to explore. There will also be a variety of food trucks, and for the first time, vendor booths.
“The kids have a ball,” said Jackson Kahn. "We are just so pleased to offer this event to the Charleston community." Over 1,200 people were in attendance at last year's event.
She’s the Veteran focuses on helping female veterans improve their mental health with programs that bring the female veteran population together, as well as spearhead research and development efforts designed to aid mental and physical health.
Admission will be $6, with children under 2 free.
Tickets can be purchased here: www.eventbrite.com/e/