Press Release
A virtual 5K is the perfect opportunity to get some exercise and fresh air, support a local nonprofit and adhere to social distancing guidelines. Postpartum Support Charleston is turning its 17th annual Moms' Run into a virtual 5K.
The race is normally held the Saturday of Mother's Day weekend, but with the virtual format, organizers are hosting the race during National Maternal Mental Health Week from May 3-9. Anyone can participate in the run/walk. Registration is $20 per person and all proceeds benefit Postpartum Support Charleston's work helping moms in the Charleston area who are struggling with postpartum depression and anxiety. This year also marks the organization's 20th anniversary.
Participants also have the option to purchase a Moms' Run shirt – perfect for a post-run selfie.
“Earlier this year, we had decided to skip our Moms' Run in 2020 while we searched for a new venue. Our long-time venue, MUSC Health Stadium on Daniel Island, was no longer available, and we weren't able to get approval from the City of Charleston for a new venue,” explained Elaine DeaKyne, executive director. “Now, we've decided to turn a negative into a positive and host a virtual 5K.”
The annual Moms' Run is Postpartum Support Charleston's largest fundraiser, so transitioning the event to a virtual run allows the organization to raise much-needed funds to support local moms through peer groups, education and connection to critical resources such as counseling and medical assistance.
Anyone can join the event, and participants are encouraged to map out a 3.1-mile route close to their home. Participants will even receive a running bib template they can print at home to make the race feel more official. Families and individuals can run, walk or push a stroller. Participants are encouraged to take photos and share on social media with the hashtag #virtualmomsrun and tag Postpartum Support Charleston on Facebook and Instagram @ppdsupportchs.
To sign up for the race and purchase a shirt, visit