The Pecha Kucha series will return for its 24th installment on Tuesday, August 23rd at a venue to be announced later. Tickets for the event will be available beginning at 10 am on August 16th.
The scheduled list of speakers includes:
- Emcee: TBA
- Adam Fetch – Daydreamer Concepts
- David Crowley + Jimmy Poole – The Alley
- Dave Brown – Shine Papers
- Alicia Aloe – Open Angler
- Alex Collier – Sunday Entertainment
- Christine Osborne – Wonder Works
- Ryan Fiorini – Bio tech entrepreneur
- Rob Bertschy – Swurfer
The event will also feature music from DJ Professor Ping.
What exactly is Pecha Kucha? Read the FAQs here. You can get even more info on Parliament Charleston here.