Follypalooza is slated for this Saturday, October 20th, from 10 am to 6 pm. This year’s event will benefit locals who are battling cancer and the MUSC Hollings Cancer Center.
The event, a street carnival of sorts, closes down Center Street with all types of vendors and activities. You can expect live music, food, carnival games, a jump castle, face painting, local artists, a dunk tank and a silent auction, with all proceeds going towards cancer charities. Despite the city’s recent alcohol ban, beer and mixed drinks will be available and allowed to be consumed within the festival’s limits.
Admission to the event is free, but there will be plenty of opportunities to donate.
Bands scheduled to perform include: Dead 27s, Bringers of The Dawn, Louis D Jazz Project, Calhoun’s Calling, and the Rufus Tully Band.
For more information head to the official Facebook Page or follow @FollyBeachFesty on Twitter.