A lot of people turn the other way when they hear about taking CBD oil for back pain. Much of this comes from having been misinformed about CBD, how it works, and what CBD can do. That’s sad because CBD can improve the quality of life for countless people, including those with chronic pain.
No Marijuana Here
We’re going to tell you a story. It involves marijuana, but before you read it, please know that this article IS NOT about marijuana. It is about CBD oil (more later). We're telling the story because it helps illustrate how some people develop a strong association against hemp or cannabis products.
Take my friend Lee, for example. Lee is a baby boomer who grew up with the “War on Drugs” campaign, including the infamous “This Is Your Brain on Drugs” commercial. Lee also had strict parents about being lawful and following rules, and she feared letting them down.
Despite her upbringing, when Lee was in her late teens, normal rebellion set in, and she decided to smoke pot. Lee enjoyed the experience, but being that marijuana was illegal and that she is a highly sensitive person who respected house rules, she felt guilty and even paranoid about being caught, which made her decide never to use marijuana again.
Thank goodness Lee didn’t get into trouble for her marijuana use, but it resulted in her feeling as though anything associated with marijuana was bad, illegal, or both. Mostly, she felt using it made her a bad person.
Fast forward many years. Lee suffered back pain through much of her life, and she eventually learned she suffered from “severe spinal stenosis”—a relentless narrowing of the spine’s passageways. For many, severe spinal stenosis greatly limits being able to enjoy life. Such was the case for Lee. Lee developed a pulsing ache that turned her movements into agony. It became difficult to walk, dress herself, carry groceries, cook and bake, and above all, sleep.
Here’s the thing: Back pain, regardless if it is spinal stenosis or another form, makes the simplest tasks seem daunting—not to mention the depression that comes from not being able to live life to the fullest.
When Lee’s husband and adult children encouraged her to try CBD oil for back pain, she winced. “No. That stuff’s not for me.”
But when Lee’s daughter sent her an email with links to reputable articles that discussed CBD’s legality (spoiler: It’s legal) and its non-psychotropic effects (spoiler: you don’t get high, man), Lee decided to look into CBD oil. Doing so changed the quality of Lee’s life. Now, sleep comes easily to Lee and her daily activities have become easier.
For Lee, CBD isn’t a cure-all, but the CBD oil definitely helps take the edge off. And that is our motivation for writing this article—this is for all the “Lees” out there who may not know what they’re missing.
Managing Back Pain with CBD Oil
Back pain comes in many forms—arthritis, pulled muscles, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and more. Bad posture can be a culprit, too, and so can being a professional couch potato. If back pain is your nemesis, you might want to try CBD oil.
“But, wait!” you say. If you’re like Lee, you’re probably thinking, “I’m not going to start putting some hippy-dippy marijuana (THC) product into my body.”
“But wait!” we say. We get it, especially considering the history of cannabinoids (the chemical compounds of marijuana), but if getting high isn’t for you, never fear. CBD doesn’t seek the limelight of its flashier counterpart.
Instead, CBD quietly partners with your body’s “endocannabinoid” system—not to be confused with “cannabinoids.” Everyone has an internal endocannabinoid system—a network of receptors orchestrating everything from pain to mood. And CBD is a way to guide your body back to harmony.
CBD: Legal or Not?
“But wait!” you say again. “Aren’t CBD products illegal?” That is a fair question, and the answer is like reading a map after spilling coffee on it—easy to read in some parts but soggy in others. So, here’s the scoop on CBD:
The Federal Stage for CBD: A Green Light (Mostly)
In the U.S., CBD derived from hemp—defined as cannabis containing less than 0.3% THC—was made legal at the federal level with the 2018 United States Farm Bill, which says that hemp-based CBD can be grown, sold, and enjoyed without Uncle Sam creating a ruckus.
The Top 10 Reasons Why You Might Want to Change Your Mind About CBD Oil
Non-Habit Forming
CBD oil doesn’t cause dependency—it is non-habit forming, and you won't get high.
Low Side Effect Risk
Forget nausea or having a cloudy feeling. CBD oil has few side effects. Your mouth might feel dry or drowsy, but that’s usually the most of it, if at all.
Better Sleep
Sleep will come easier. When you lessen pain, it helps you relax.
Easy to Use
CBD is easy to use. There are no elaborate rituals. You put a few drops under your tongue, hold for around 20 seconds (longer, if you like), and swallow.
Pain Signal Blockage
CBD oil may help by blocking chronic pain signals sent to your brain. It can alter how these signals are perceived, meaning you'll feel less pain. This action does not remove the source of pain but makes it more manageable. Reducing perceived pain can significantly improve the quality of life.
Improved Mobility
Since CBD oil helps block pain, it's easier to twist, turn, stretch, sit, and lay flat. Users cite improved mobility as a win.
Muscle Relaxation
CBD oil promotes muscle relaxation and reduces stress. Tense muscles contribute to back discomfort, and relaxing muscles can offer relief.
Stress Reduction
As you know, stress can heighten physical ailments, including back problems. CBD can relieve some causes of back pain by reducing stress levels.
Quick Onset
CBD oil kicks in faster than capsules. CBD oil usually starts to work in 15-45 minutes, while capsules can take one to two hours.
Enhances Quality of Life
By tackling pain, stress, and muscle tension, CBD oil for back pain can help you live life to its fullest and enjoy your day-to-day activities again.
Choosing the Best CBD Oil for Your Back Pain
Full-Spectrum CBD Oils
Full spectrum oils are important because they contain the range of hemp's natural medicines—cannabinoids, terpenes, and essential oils. When used together, these compounds improve pain relief (also known as “the entourage effect). So, full spectrum CBD is the best for back pain because it makes the biggest difference in pain control.
Lab Testing
Be sure to check the label for third-party lab testing, which verifies purity and potency. If you don't see this information on the label, visit the company's website—or call or email them for the information. Be wary if the data isn't readily available. Look for a company with transparency and pride in its testing methods.
Extraction Methods Matter!
The method used to extract CBD oil matters greatly. Carbon dioxide (CO2) extraction is an excellent choice because it is clean and efficient. Pressurizing CO2 pulls CBD from hemp without using harsh chemicals and gives it higher purity and potency.
Application and Dosage: Slow and Steady
You need to see how your body responds to CBD oil, so you’ll want to go slow. Start with a minimum amount and see how you feel. If your back is still screaming at you, use a little more, and if needed, a little more until you feel better. Many people begin with about 25 mg CBD daily, and if they don’t feel better after a day or two, then increase the dosage.
It’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare provider before using CBD oil to see if your health history, other medications, etc. might interfere.
CBD Side Effects? Maybe, Though Not Likely.
As mentioned earlier, CBD oil has possible side effects, which is another reason you want to go slow. Dry mouth, dizziness, and fatigue can happen, but they are almost always mild when they do. Which CBD side effect is most common? Dry mouth.
When Not to Use CBD
CBD is for adults (18 and older) only. Also, there is a lack of studies regarding pregnancy and breastfeeding, so it's not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
But, Wait!
If you’ve been putting off trying CBD oil for back pain, maybe it’s time to stop poo-pooing the idea and take action instead. Your body has been trying to tell you something, so why not listen? Your change of direction may hold the relief you’ve been craving.
Take it slow. See how it works, and remember that small changes can make all the difference in the world.