On Saturday October 12, 2024, the Carolina Children’s Charity (CCC) will host their 12th Annual Cornhole tournament with live music at the Windjammer. This fundraiser and annual event benefits Lowcountry children with birth defects and childhood diseases.
The Cornhole Tournament will take place at the Beach Volleyball Court starting at 2 pm. The cost is $40 per team (2 players per team). All Registrations must be completed online at the link below before 1:30 pm on event day. On site check in will be from 12:45 pm to 1:45 pm. Players must be 18 years of age or older. Prizes will be awarded to the top two teams.
Doors open for live music at 6 pm. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Live music starts at 7 pm with opening acts PALMETALHEAD & High Strung then headliner Shot Thru the Heart (Bon Jovi Tribute Band) will take the stage. Free concert entry for Cornhole players.
Carolina Children’s Charity was founded in 1987 to help our local children who have challenging medical needs, related to their diagnoses, gain access to services deemed medically necessary and medically beneficial, to enhance their growth and development, enabling these children to maximize their fullest potential in life.Through the years, the organization has provided over 4.7 million dollars to local children in our community.
CCC provides grants, allowing local children facing obstacles, to access needed therapy, medical equipment, medical care, medications, and so much more.
All money raised here stays here and every dollar makes a difference in the life of a Lowcountry child.