COLUMBIA, S.C. – Senator Margie Bright Matthews Calls for Accountability, Investment in Public Services, and Real Solutions for South Carolinians
Following Governor Henry McMaster’s 2025 State of the State address, Senator Margie Bright Matthews (D-Colleton, pictured) delivered a powerful response, challenging the Governor’s portrayal of progress and calling for fiscal responsibility, transparency, and investment in South Carolina’s future.
“The truth is, our economy can’t be as robust as you’ve described, Governor, since our Finance Committee recently uncovered a $1.8 billion dollar discrepancy in our Treasury that ultimately led to the resignations of the Comptroller General and the Auditor,” said Senator Bright Matthews.
She highlighted contradictions in state leadership’s handling of the issue:
“Last year, Treasurer Loftis testified under oath that he knew where the $1.8 billion was and that it had earned over $250 million in interest. Now, they say the $1.8 billion never even existed. Imaginary money! What is the truth?”
She demanded accountability from Treasurer Loftis and Governor McMaster, warning that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is investigating South Carolina and that the potential tax implications and credit rating damage could be severe.
“Where’s the money, Treasurer Loftis? And where’s the accountability, Governor? The buck stops with you.”
She emphasized that South Carolina taxpayers deserve answers, especially considering the estimated $15 million cost to audit, defend, and monitor the State Treasurer.
“We cannot continue to pay millions to outside accountants to ‘hold’ the treasurer’s hands. Shouldn’t that money go towards education, workforce development, and critical infrastructure investments?”
Investing in South Carolina’s Workforce and Infrastructure
Senator Bright Matthews praised bipartisan efforts to attract major corporations such as Google, Boeing, Keurig Dr. Pepper, Nestlé, and Scout Motors but warned that South Carolina must invest in infrastructure to sustain economic growth.
“To prepare for these new jobs, we must invest in clean energy, broadband access, a strong education system, workforce readiness partnerships, childcare facilities, affordable housing, and the creation of a high-speed transit system that provides innovative travel options for workers who may live in one part of the state and work in another.”
Defending Public Education Against Defunding Efforts
Senator Bright Matthews criticized school voucher proposals, arguing that they defund and dismantle public education rather than improving it.
“South Carolina is ranked 42nd in Education. When we recruit new industries to our state, the first question they ask is: ‘How are your schools performing on a national level?’ Companies know they’re going to need an educated workforce.”
She warned that school choice is not the solution and that public schools must be fully funded before taxpayer dollars are diverted to private institutions.
“Governor, the answer is not ‘Choice.’ Instead of sending our tax dollars to private schools, we should first fully fund our public schools—something South Carolina has neglected to do for decades. You see, many SC children who need a quality education, don’t have a choice. Neither do their parents.”
She also criticized the depletion of South Carolina’s Education Lottery funds, arguing that it could jeopardize college affordability for thousands of families.
“Our state’s leaders should keep in mind that everyone wants to earn a good living so that they can afford to raise a family and eventually retire with dignity. That won’t be possible if we defund the South Carolina Education Lottery, which has made college achievable for thousands of SC families.”
Protecting South Carolinians from Rising Insurance Costs
Senator Bright Matthews warned against South Carolina following the legislative playbooks of other states, particularly Georgia and North Carolina.
“It’s time for you to stop peeking at Gov. Kemp’s report card so that we can begin to tackle our own challenges—right here in South Carolina. Challenges like funding our mandates, educating our workers, making innovative infrastructure investments, and ensuring that housing and healthcare are affordable and accessible.”
She also called for consumer protections against rising insurance costs, citing examples of insurance companies refusing to pay legitimate claims after natural disasters in North Carolina and Florida.
“Why would we want to make it more difficult for South Carolinians to seek justice after they’ve been wronged? Or… vilify jurors who are just everyday people doing their civic duty… the same people we trust to elect us. And all because big insurance companies just don’t want to pay up?”
She proposed placing caps on insurance coverage increases and preventing corporations from using the same exploitative tactics seen in other states.
Holding Republican Leadership Accountable
Senator Bright Matthews held Governor McMaster and Republican lawmakers accountable for years of financial mismanagement and policy failures.
“The buck stops with you, Gov. McMaster. Republicans have controlled our state government for over 20 years. Your party has a super-majority in the House and Senate. The people of SC would be appalled to learn that this fiscal fiasco in the Treasurer’s Office dates back to 2017.”
She criticized one-party control, linking it to billions in missing tax dollars, underfunded schools, and a crumbling infrastructure.
“This is what one party’s domination has gotten us… We’re missing billions of our tax dollars. Our schools are underfunded. And our infrastructure is crumbling.”
Instead of using taxpayer dollars to cover up financial mismanagement, she suggested that South Carolina should offer meaningful income tax reductions.
“Instead of investing more of our tax dollars to continue the cover-up, perhaps that money would be better spent giving South Carolinians a real income tax reduction or cutting income taxes altogether. Imagine how much more appealing SC would be to industries if we did that.”
A Call for Bipartisan Action
Closing her response, Senator Bright Matthews called on lawmakers to prioritize the needs of the people over political gamesmanship.
“A government that is BY the people… and FOR the people… must be accountable TO the people! Let’s work together to improve the lives of ALL South Carolinians and make our state the very BEST that it can be!”
For media inquiries, please contact Jon Burton at
Full remarks are attached.
“ Good Evening, fellow South Carolinians, I’m Senator Margie Bright Matthews.
Tonight, I stand before you as a senator and an advocate--someone who is deeply
invested in the well-being of every South Carolinian. Although the Governor has painted
a picture of progress, I’m here to share the truth about the challenges our state
continues to face, as well as the actions and opportunities we cannot afford to overlook,
if we intend to truly prosper.
The truth is…
Our economy can’t be as robust as you’ve described, Governor, since our Finance
Committee recently uncovered a $1.8 BILLION Dollar discrepancy in our Treasury that
ultimately led to the resignations of the Comptroller General and the Auditor.
Last year, Treasurer Loftis testified under oath that he knew where the $1.8 BILLION
was and that it had earned over $250 Million dollars in interest. Now, they say the $1.8
BILLION never even existed. Imaginary money! What is the truth?
Yet, our leadership continues to support Treasurer Loftis, knowing that we cannot afford
to entrust our state’s financial resources to a politician who has proven he knows
nothing about protecting and investing the people’s money.
Governor, how can our state’s economy thrive if you are not willing to demand
transparency and hold Treasurer Loftis accountable? The Securities Exchange
Commission is investigating SC. There are numerous potential tax implications. The
damage this mismanagement could do to our state’s credit rating would be devastating.
Where’s the money, Treasurer Loftis?
And where’s the accountability, Governor? The buck stops with you.
South Carolina taxpayers deserve answers, especially when it’s estimated that it’ll cost
us close to $15 million dollars to audit, defend, and monitor the State Treasurer. We
cannot continue to pay millions to outside accountants to ‘hold’ the treasurer’s hands.
Shouldn’t that money go towards education, workforce development, and critical
infrastructure investments?
Every move the state government makes impacts South Carolina’s economy, and hard-
working taxpayers who love our state just as much as we do. From education to
healthcare, to job creation, the state of our state’s economy impacts every South
Carolinian’s quality of life. As a State Senator who represents Colleton, Beaufort, Hampton, Jasper, and Charleston counties, one of the things I’m most proud of is that legislators on both sides of the aisle…Republicans and Democrats alike, work tirelessly to bring jobs to our state. All of us roll up our sleeves and have worked together to bring economic development opportunities like Google, Boeing, Keurig, Dr. Pepper, Nestle, and Scout Motors. We are proud of these successes and equally proud of the many small businesses that call South Carolina home.
To prepare for these new jobs, we must invest in infrastructure improvements like clean
energy, broadband access, a strong education system, workforce readiness
partnerships with our high schools and technical colleges, and childcare facilities that meet
the needs of a growing workforce, affordable housing, and the creation of a high-speed
transit system that provides innovative travel options for workers who may live in one
part of the state and work in another.
South Carolina is ranked 42nd in Education. When we recruit new industries to our state,
The first question they ask is: “How are your schools performing on a national level?”
Companies know they’re going to need an educated workforce.
Governor, the answer is not “Choice.” Instead of sending our tax dollars to private
schools, we should first fully fund our public schools -- something South Carolina has
neglected to do for decades. You see, many SC children who need a quality education,
don’t have a choice. Neither do their parents. School voucher bills like the one we’re
debating again this year, only defund and dismantle public education even more.
Taking money from public schools and giving it to private schools, won’t improve
educational outcomes for thousands of children who need it most. Our public school
districts need every dollar that private school vouchers will siphon off of their per-pupil
costs. If this voucher bill passes, our ranking will plummet.
South Carolina will not be able to create or maintain a well-educated workforce, if we
continue to deplete the Education Lottery funds, knowing that education lottery
revenues are already decreasing. Our state leaders should keep in mind that
everyone wants to earn a good living so that they can afford to raise a family and
eventually retire with dignity. That won’t be possible if we defund the South Carolina
Education Lottery, which has made college achievable for thousands of SC families.
With 5 million residents, SC is small compared to our border states. Yet, we seem to
legislate each year, based upon the scorecards of bordering states like Georgia, as it
takes on school vouchers and tort claims issues. It’s time for you to stop peeking at
Gov. Kemp’s report card, so that we can begin to tackle our own challenges-right herein
South Carolina. Challenges like…funding our mandates, educating our workers,
making innovative infrastructure investments, and ensuring that housing and healthcare
are affordable and accessible. And since you wanna peek, just take a look at what
insurance companies are doing to the people of North Carolina.
Why would we want to make it more difficult for South Carolinians to seek justice after
they’ve been wronged? Or…vilify jurors who are just everyday people doing their civic
duty…the same people we trust to elect us. And all because big insurance companies
just don't want to pay up? We’ve got to protect insured businesses AND injured citizens
by placing caps on coverage increases and not allowing insurance companies to do
here what they’ve done in other states – like North Carolina and Florida, where some
still refuse to pay legitimate insurance claims from natural disasters like Hurricane
South Carolina is a special state that we are blessed to call home. Yet each year, the
super-majority legislates, based on what neighboring states are doing – push national
narratives in order to win the next election.
The buck stops with you, Gov. McMaster. Republicans have controlled our state
government for over 20 years. Your party has a super-majority in the House and
Senate. The people of SC would be appalled to learn that this fiscal fiasco in the
Treasurer’s Office dates back to 2017. This is what one party’s domination has gotten
us… We’re missing billions of our tax dollars. Our schools are underfunded. And our
infrastructure is crumbling.
Instead of investing more of our tax dollars to continue the cover-up, perhaps that
money would be better spent giving South Carolinians a real income tax reduction or
cutting income taxes altogether. Imagine how much more appealing SC would be to
industries if we did that.
A government that is BY the people…and FOR the people…must be accountable TO
the people! Let’s work together to improve the lives of ALL South Carolinians and
make our state the very BEST that it can be!