Today, Lorraine Johnson released the following statement in support of her nephew, Marion Bowman, who faces execution on Friday:
“My name is Lorraine Johnson, and I am Marion Bowman's maternal aunt; Marion is someone who would do anything for someone else if he is able. He has been a kindhearted person ever since he was a child, and I would describe him as a gentle giant. Despite his current situation, Marion always asks about what is going on in my life and tries to build me up when I am down.
It has torn our family apart to have Marion be on death row. I do not think that Marion's mother would recover if he were to be executed.
Marion's daughter is also very close with her father. She recently gave birth to her first child in August and I know that Marion is enjoying being a grandfather. Despite his incarceration, they have maintained a close father daughter relationship.
In addition to providing support to his family, I know that Marion would be a good mentor to younger men. he would teach them to learn from his mistakes and help them to stay on the right path. I know that he volunteers and dedicates his time to others.
A life in prison sentence would also allow him to continue to have a relationship with the family that loves him so much. Commuting his sentence would be like giving him a second chance. A chance to be there for his daughter and for his new granddaughter.”