The Berkeley Charleston Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG) is hosting a virtual meeting to present the Phase II Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Study for the Lowcountry Rapid Transit (LCRT) project. The meeting will be online, at //
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is a planning strategy focused on thoughtfully creating livable, walkable communities centered around transit stations. TOD creates a plan to manage future growth and redevelopment in available areas where transit is reliable and easy to access while preserving the communities that exist today.
The Phase II TOD Study began in 2023 with a focus on developing affordable housing strategies, identifying zoning and land use updates to support TOD, prioritizing bike, and pedestrian infrastructure needs, and updating the Phase I Market Analysis to understand current market trends in the corridor post COVID. This virtual meeting is an opportunity to share your feedback on key Phase II findings, including recommended bike and pedestrian improvements, affordable housing strategies, and potential zoning and land uses along the LCRT corridor.
Please visit the LCRT project website at for more information or contact Megan Clark, AICP, Assistant Planning Director at or (843) 529-2714.