Berkeley County Library System (BCLS), is the recipient of a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) grant from Google Data Center located in Berkeley County. The grant will expand the Inspiration. Information. Illumination collection with additional LTE Chromebook laptops and SmartSpot Wireless Internet devices for two-week checkouts (no renewals) for ages 18 and older.
The first item is an LTE Chromebook laptop. Each kit (Mobile WiFi device not included) contains the following:
· LTE Chromebook laptop that can connect to both Wi-Fi and mobile data networks.
· Power cord
· Mouse
· User guide and case
Replacement costs for a Chromebook laptop or kit items are below:
· Chromebook laptop: $300
· Mouse: $20
· Case: $50
· Power cord: $25
· Lost kit (7+ days overdue): $395
The second item is a Kajeet SmartSpot 900 hotspot wireless internet device. Each kit contains the following:
· Kajeet SmartSpot 900
· Power cord and case
Replacement costs for a hotspot or kit items are below:
· SmartSpot: $50
· Power cord: $25
Both the Chromebook laptop and hotspot will enable customers who lack internet access or devices, to connect to FREE internet. In addition, BCLS provides technology sessions such as email, basic internet searching, and employment/resume assistance to assist underserved populations with STEM and technology resources.
For more information on the Inspiration. Information. Illumination. Collection, or any BCLS program, contact Gene Brunson, Library Director at 843-719-4241 or gene.brunson@berkeleycountysc.