The qualities that make for a successful military career – such as loyalty, preparation and attention to detail – are essential to success in the private sector. In Lessons from the Admiral: Naval Wisdom And Sea Stories For Leaders, retired naval flight officer Mark C. Fava, distills his experiences as an aide to a Navy admiral into actionable steps that can be implemented in almost any business situation.
Now a career aviation attorney at a Fortune 100 company, the book is a first-hand account of Fava’s experiences while serving in a demanding and high-pressure position, yielding practical lessons that paved the way for him to become a senior military officer and successful attorney. “I have always remembered and used the lessons from the Admiral. My goal is to pass along the habits and traits that have led to my success for over 30 years. These are lessons from what I saw, did, and learned as an admiral’s aide,” he says.
Lessons from the Admiral became an instant hit on Amazon, becoming #1 in the "Job Markets and Advice" category. Fava is currently promoting his book with appearances at business luncheons, bookstore appearances and at private book clubs. Fava is scheduled to appear January 29th at the prestigious Charleston Library Society where he will be interviewed about the book by U.S. Magistrate Judge Molly H. Cherry. CLICK HERE for tickets and more information.
Fava will also be the keynote speaker at the Harbour Club at WestEdge Business Expo on January 30th in Charleston.
A recent review of Lessons from the Admiral in the Charleston City Paper praised the book's inspiring message, "Fava’s 148-page book is an easy, instructive read. It’s filled with the kind of advice that can help anybody succeed in a professional environment."
For all those in business or the military who want to excel as an employee, manager, lawyer, military profession, and ultimately a leader, Lessons from the Admiral provides the necessary insight and foundation to succeed. Fava is available for interviews and speaking engagements. The book can be found on Amazon.