When philanthropist, activist, and author Mitzi Perdue was about 79, she decided to do something about her voice.
She had helped make her late husband Frank Perdue famous and had years of public interactions to her credit but knew she would be even more effective if she learned how to strengthen and modulate the tone of her verbal communications.
“She did not want to speak with the voice of an old lady,” said Dr. Miluna Fausch (pictured), the voice specialist Mitzi turned to. Miluna holds a B.S. in Music Business and a Ph.D. in Holistic Psychology.
Dr. Miluna is an expert in training CEOs and others in positions of leadership to be their most inspiring and convincing when addressing stakeholders, presenting ideas to employees, and participating in other venues where the stakes are high. Far more than facts and figures, what’s most critical are messages delivered with emotional impact “from the heart”. Fausch has deep experience in coaching very smart, high-achieving professionals who acknowledge there is always room for improvement.
Asked for examples, Miluna described a Silicon Valley executive who came to her with a feeling that her hesitant interactions with others were due, not so much to her Russian accent, but to her lack of self-confidence.
“I freeze up,” she told Miluna. “I feel like I’m missing opportunities.”
This was a barrier to moving ahead in the company and in pursuing her ambitious career goals.
“She was right,” said Miluna, who takes a great deal of satisfaction in helping others be the best they can be.
The two women tackled what Miluna identified as her client’s basic reticence when speaking comfortably in professional situations, whether it was one-on-one with her boss or as part of a team. They tackled the problem by engaging in a schedule of sessions that involved guided conversations and role-playing. Miluna’s professional approach, combined with her deep interest in what people have to say, was encouraging and successful. The client went on to further professional acknowledgment and in time left to start her own firm.
Miluna described another client as an astute leader of an international company with teams in France and New Zealand. Although virtual and on-site interactions were all in English, the Turkish executive needed to modulate his voice and express important content in a persuasive way that resonated with staff from different cultures. He too became very successful. The key was that having recognized his need for coaching, he found in Miluna, an empathetic coach who, through instinct and experience, provided the voice-based training that supported his goals.
Miluna said she was once too shy to pursue a career as an opera singer, though encouraged to do so. However, today, after completing scores of trainings and performing as an actor and singer, she is magnetically engaging and, in fact, welcomes speaking in public.
Miluna and her husband Reto, a high-voltage engineer, have lived in many places and were looking for a new home base that spoke to them. Miluna cannot be more enthusiastic than she is about having made Charleston their home. They built a house about a year and a half ago in Mt. Pleasant. When there’s time, they travel to the area near Klosters in the Swiss Alps where her husband’s family has owned a mountain house for five generations.
Miluna said she and her husband have been exploring Charleston and making new acquaintances ever since they arrived. . Buxton Books is a favorite location. And, Miluna is thrilled that she will be featured in a talk and sign event on February 26, 6-7 pm at Buxton Books.
She will be reading from Uplevel Your Communication: Evolve your Presence and Speech to Change Everything, her book published by Forbes Advantage Media in Charleston in 2022. Her upcoming projects include developing an online course based on her book.
You can learn more about Dr. Miluna Fausch: https://milunafauschmedia.com.