If you are trying to be healthier this year then you may be on the hunt for some tips and tricks on how to make this happen. There have been plenty of stories in the media about what is good for you, however, not everything will work for you. You may have friends and family that do certain things and rave about it. The trick is finding what works for you and sticking to it. Check out the article below to find out how you can manage your health this year and beyond.

Drink Plenty Of Water
One of the best things you can do for your health is drink plenty of water. Your body is made up of around 70% water and you lose this regularly throughout the day. It is essential you replace what is lost otherwise you can quickly start to feel the effects of dehydration. This includes feeling lightheaded, exhausted, and having a headache. If you feel any of these things then it is essential you take a drink.
Drinking water can be incredibly hard as a lot of people think it’s boring. However, the good news is there are flavored water pods that you can put in your water to not only make it taste nice but to give you extra goodness.
Attend Checkups
There may be times when you are called for a checkup at your doctors. It is important you attend this as they may be checking for something in particular. This could be a screening for breast cancer or bowel cancer for instance. As you get older these will become second nature to you as you will be called for them around once every three to five years. If you need to cancel an appointment for whatever reason, make sure you reschedule it and don’t skip over it entirely.
Get Enough Sleep
As an adult you should be aiming for around six to eight hours of sleep each night. This needs to be solid sleep to feel the full benefits. If you aren’t getting solid sleep each night then you may start to feel irritable, exhausted and generally unwell. Not getting enough sleep can play havoc with your immune system, leaving you open and vulnerable to certain illnesses. You need to find out why you aren’t sleeping at night, it could be due to a number of different things. This could be having children or pets that are waking you up. It could also be down to your mattress being old and uncomfortable. A mattress that isn’t suited to you or that is older than eight years old can cause aches and pains to appear.
Take Care Outside
There may come a time when you are worried about heading outside or walking around in your home. This could be due to your risk of falls. It can happen at any age if you have pre-existing conditions, however, it is far more prevalent in the elderly generation. If you do find yourself falling over regularly then there is help and assistance out there. For example, you might want to invest in something like a fall detection device from life assure. It might be helpful to go out with someone you feel comfortable with, they won’t think you are an inconvenience.

Eat Healthy
Next, you need to make sure that you are eating a healthier diet overall. If you struggle with maintaining a healthy diet, then we do recommend that you consider exploring supplements. These are the perfect way to fill in any gaps such as minerals or vitamins that you are missing out on. You could also think about exploring specific diets that are suited to you personally. For instance, some people would benefit from going gluten free. This is just one example and if you need more help with this, then we recommend that you speak to a professional nutritionist to discover what your body is missing or has too much of.
Move More
It’s important to move as much as possible. Remaining stagnant for large portions of the day will result in an increased chance of future health problems. This could include things like chronic pain as well mobility issues.
Get Out With Friends
Another thing you can do to look after your health is head out with friends or family. If you socialize regularly then you are cutting your risk of developing cognitive issues such as Alzeihmers and dementia. Studies have shown that if you head out with friends at least twice a week then you are 80% less likely to develop these conditions.
Look After Your Mind
You may have heard about cognitive decline, this tends to happen as you get older and your memory starts to let you down. The good news is there are things you can do to exercise your brain and keep it active. There are games you can play both online and offline to keep your grey matter engaged. You can complete word puzzles such as crosswords or number puzzles such as sudoku. All these things are great and will keep your mind active for long after you complete them.
Seek Professional Help
Something else you might need to do at some point is seek professional help, this could be a therapist or a counselor. If you have deeper rotted issues that may stem from childhood or another traumatic event then you could benefit from speaking about it. Not many people like to divulge what they have been through but it can really help you see the light at the end of the tunnel if you do. Check out local therapists to see which ones are the best and how they can help you.
Practice Self Care
Finally, self care is important for your general health and wellbeing. You should be doing all the things mentioned above as well as being kind to yourself. If you have a bad day then don’t worry, tomorrow is another day and it could be better. Don’t say harsh things to yourself regarding your appearance either as this can lead to mental health conditions bringing you down.